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Supporting Ukraine Together

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As the situation in Ukraine escalates and bombardment of major Ukrainian cities intensifies, we're urging you to make any contribution you can to support Ukrainian people in this fight.

We're standing with our Ukrainian colleagues and families in Kharkiv and Chernihiv who're currently staying in shelters under artillery fire, witnessing this senseless loss of life and damage done to their beloved country. If you'd like to show your support but aren't sure how to, we want to help make it easier for you to act.

For any amount donated to or any other humanitarian aid fund in support of Ukrainian people, we are ready to reduce the bill for your climbing expedition or safari by up to 300 USD as a discount in exchange for your donation. Just email us a proof of donation.

Also, our good friend from Ukraine Stefan Poliakov has recently shown us one more way to make a contribution. Stefan is a founder of Ukrainian Immigration Bureau, an organisation that was helping foreign citizens from around the world to find their home in Ukraine before the war. Now that the war broke out, Stefan and his UIB team became volunteers: they fundraise and purchase equipment, clothes, power generators, food, medicines and other essentials for military units and territorial defence in Ukraine. We vouch for their integrity and efficiency. You can make a direct donation to their fund through this link.

From all of us at Altezza, thank you.

23 May, 2022 update:

The ninety ordeal that the people of Ukraine are going through is beyond our comprehension. Our team has been particularly shocked by the brutal human rights violations perpetrated by the russian army in Bucha, Irpen, Mariupil, Chernihiv, Izyum, Mykolayiv and Kharkiv. 

Some of our employees and their family members remain in Ukraine now. Some of our friends are fighting for the freedom and lives of their people. We admire the fortitude and resolve of our heroes. 

We could not stay aside, from the very first day of the war our team has been helping the people of Ukraine in whatever ways we can. As of 23 May, 2022 Altezza Travel has done the following: 

  • We donated to the Ukrainian Armed Forces through Monobank; 

  • We donated to UNICEF to deliver aid to the civilians in Ukraine; 

  • We donated to UAnimals, a group of volunteers, who provide care to the animals abandoned by their owners or traumatised by the war; 

  • We purchased body armour, helmets and medical equipment for the Kyiv territorial defence unit;

  • We purchased a 4x4 vehicle and tourniquets to Odessa territorial defence unit; 

  • We provided financial assistance to the relief force, helping vulnerable people in Kyiv to get food. 

Finally, we provided direct financial help to many people in Ukraine, who lost their incomes and had to leave their homes. 

In total, we spent around USD 22,500. This amount excludes private contributions made by our employees. 

We will continue to support the people of Ukraine until the end of the war and thereafter. 

Altezza Team 

Veröffentlicht am 24 Februar 2022 Aktualisiert am 13 September 2024
Über den Autor
Marvin Derichs
Marvin, ein in Deutschland ansässiger Reiseberater für Altezza Travel, lebte sieben Jahre lang in Tansania, bevor er ins verschneite Schleswig zurückkehrte. Vollständige Biografie lesen
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